1. For what reasons can I return an item?
You may return your orders if you received any damaged, defects and incorrect orders within 24 hours.
2. I have received a damaged/defected/incomplete item, what can I do?
You may return your orders if you received any damaged, defects and incorrect orders.
Please contact our Customer Service support team via Facebook Live Chat https://www.facebook.com/eshopliveasia.
Please provide clear photo(s) or video(s) (inclusive of the product packaging upon receipt – front, side, and top view) of the damaged, defects and incorrect items or any related supporting documentation within 24 hours from the date of received.
3. Within how long should I inform eShopliveAsia about my damage/defection/incorrect item?
Please contact our customer service support team via Facebook Live Chat https://www.facebook.com/eshopliveasia within 24 hours from the date of received.
4. How do I change my refund method?
5. Will the refunded amount includes shipping fee?
Yes, we will refund the exact amount that you have paid.
6. Will my vouchers be refunded if I cancel or return my order?
You will not be able to reuse the previous vouchers
7. Will every return and refund cover under eShopliveAsia?
You may apply for the refund and/or return of the Item in the following circumstances:
Last updated: Nov 26, 2021